AntiScam Club
Scam reportScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Photos of Russian dating scammers
First name: Elena
Second name: Stegalowa
Age: 42
Country: USA
City: Los angeles
Address: City: Turukhansk State/Province: Krasnoyarskiy Kra
Phone: -
On web site:
Children: -
Occupation: -
Added: 10 Sep 2008
Photos:  1  2  3  4 

Reported by Fredy42 I know this person too
  From the very beginning you may think it is strange that this woman found you on a dating Internet site. Did you join one? All of her E-mails are copy and paste jobs and she makes a few changes. She tells you in her third or forth E-mail that she will come and visit you on your country. I found this all very sudden and strange, I felt like she was throwing herself at me. She does meantion sex but not directly hoping that you are not the kind of person that just wants to have sex with her. She will also talk about sex in a round about way. References to eating or drinking chocolate and studies showing how woman react to chocolate benefitting from it in some sexual way. She will also tell you she is into some kind of yoga as her main hobby which has benefits for her sex life, more pleasure, blah, blah, blah, etc. I didn't feel I made any real connection with this person in any way. I should say no sense of attachment or emotional drawcard.

Reports (4)  DaveZam(Jun 09)  Fredy42(Sep 08)  dumass1960(Jun 08)  darkhorseriders(Jun 08) 
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