AntiScam Club
Scam reportScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Photos of Russian dating scammers
First name: Angelica
Second name: Bazhanova
Age: 22
Country: Ukraine
City: Bobrinets
Address: Kyrova street
Phone: 380 990088572
On web site:
Children: No
Occupation: -
Added: 05 Jul 2008
Photos:  1  2  3  4 

Reported by webarnes2 I know this person too
  I first saw Angelika at I thought she was pretty and we began to correspond. We e-mailed for about 3 months. Her letters were not pre-written. She answered questions. I thought we became very close. About 3 weeks ago she hinted about coming to see me. She needed $480 for a visa. I explained to her that she could not get a visa in 2 weeks from her travel agency like she was telling me. We decided to meet in Ukraine. This week she told me that she wanted me to send her money for a camera so that she could send me some erotic pics. I told her that I would never send money to a person I have not met. Her attitude has changed a lot. Her letters have become short and angry. Today I saw another profile on the same site using pics of the same woman only this woman says she is 28 and from the US.

Reports (1)  webarnes2(Jul 08) 
Letters 1
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