AntiScam Club
Scam reportScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Photos of Russian dating scammers
First name: ANASTASIA
Second name: BASOVA aka VLADIMIRO
Age: 31
Country: Russia
City: Cheboksary
Address: Topolinaya street 15, apartment 18, (428006)
Phone: -
On web site:
Children: No
Occupation: Dental
Added: 15 Jan 2009
Photos:  1  2  3  4 

Reported by ozjackson I know this person too
  This woman scammer is smart and persistent. She comes across as rich and work as a dentist and is not interested in your money ! She confidently claims "Irina my mother's name, a name of my father Vladimir. My mother is lawyer in the building company, my father is policeman." But you will see the whole scam leads to travel to your place with some INVITATION letter to which was her downfall as she give a bit more information and I scan the web for it and found this bitch out ,but nevertheless if was "FUN" playing around making her think I was falling for her etc but may aim was to trap her.'

Reports (1)  ozjackson(Jan 09) 
Letters 13
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