AntiScam Club
Scam reportScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Photos of Russian dating scammers
First name: Ludmila
Second name: Ukhvatenko
Age: 26
Country: Ukraine
City: Odessa
Address: -
Phone: -
On web site:
Children: No
Occupation: Other
Added: 31 Jan 2009
Photos:  1  2  3  4 

Reported by Lubomir I know this person too
  This girl is smooth and very good at her deception. In my experience she does not ask for money directly. Her strategy is to keep the man in play by being very cute and darling, plays the innocent girl, avoiding sexual contact. She is "perfectly charming date" and very pretty - do not be fooled!! She will suggest taking you off agency lines, and then makes her money by blackmailing half of all funds from the interpreter fee. What is really going on is her boyfriend is prostituting her on the site for money, allows kissing, but no sex. She plays the game until you push beyond kissing "she needs to think about it" and never communicates again. She is perfect, never says a thing out of line. I have personally verified the fact of boyfriend, prostitution without sex arrangement through someone who knows her.

Reports (1)  Lubomir(Jan 09) 
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