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Letters from Elena Bodrukhina
Letter 1
I've got my visa. So don't worry. Everything is Ok.I didn't have any problems.Some news for you, don't know either good or bad. My good friend isgoing to give me some money. But the problem is that she can give meonly $600 and the ticket costs $900. So I still need $300.The problem is that they will wait only for some days and then theywill sell the ticket to another person. The price is very reasonableand I don't thin I will then find something better. I can understandthem as it is the way for the to earn money. So they are not going to wait as much as I need it.Dear, just think. Only some days and we will be together.It is the last step before our meeting. Please, do it for us.I love you and need you so
Letter 2
P.S. Also I have asked to copy the following instruction for you: While you're sending the wire transfer you might be asked to provide information concerning transfer purpose and destination. In order to speed up the process please reply that these funds are sent to your friend, relative, business partner and etc. Please do specify that the receiver is known by you personally and also note that these funds are your own money.Main reason for this request is financial regulations in receiver’s country, so be serious and answer teller’s questionscarefully because incorrect answers could cause a significant delay for the wire to be processed.
Letter 3
Re: Elena‏ From: Elena Bodrukhina ( Sent: Wed 5/28/08 7:15 AM Reply-to: Elena Bodrukhina ( To: Danis ( Hi, my dear Danis!!! I've got my visa. So don't worry. Everything is Ok.I didn't have any problems.Some news for you

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