AntiScam Club
Scam lettersForeign men must be attentive with personal ads of charming brides, Russian ladies & sexy gorgeous babes

Letters from Flower Freesia
Letter 1
Hi! I'm a single girl and I'm 26 years old. Please take a look at my pictures and let me know if you like them! I live in Russia and I'm going to come to your country and work over there very soon! I don't know anybody over there and I thought it would be great to meet someone who is open to anything (as I am!). I would be happy to be friends, lovers or create a serious relationship! We will see what happens! I hope you will write me back and I will write more info about myself and send more photos!!!!!!!!!!! I am writing from my friend's email address, so please make sure you do not reply directly to this email. Email me at only. if you don't use my personal email address then I won't be able to read your reply and write you back. So it is very important that you get it right. Ok, I guess it is now your turn. Hope to hear from you today. Bye!! btw, i got your email from dating website

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