AntiScam Club
Scam reportScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Photos of Russian dating scammers
First name: Darya
Second name: No second name
Age: 31
Country: Russia
City: Kanash
Address: -
Phone: -
On web site: -
Children: -
Occupation: -
Added: 02 Jun 2012
Photos:  1 

Reported by Jakoob33233 I know this person too
  This one was new. After a small break, then this "Darya" person wrote, in almost the exact same way as the others, but this time the scammer has changed the structure in the sentences, she probably used google-translate and then removed some of the words, to make look like and sound like real-time russian gramma-mistakes. If this is the same scammer as before, then he or she has improved, but her cover is blown. As all the last times, she pointed out that she has found me on a "dating-agency", and the datingsite confirms as usual, that my profile was deleted in june 2010, so NICE TRY DARYA!!! She is busted, and probably not even real. Perhaps they are getting a little better to steel other peoples stories or identities. Anyways, that's what I think. So please don't send this one any money WHAT SO EVER!!!

Reports (1)  Jakoob33233(Jun 12) 
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