AntiScam Club
Scam reportScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Photos of Russian dating scammers
First name: Grace
Second name: Annobil
Age: 26
Country: Ghana
City: Accura
Address: -
Phone: +233546708060
On web site:
Children: No
Occupation: -
Added: 26 Jun 2012
Photos:  1  2  3 

Reported by brettc513 I know this person too
  She contacted me through and her profile said her name was Shilla and was located in Manila, Philippines. After corresponding with her she said her name was Grace Annobil and was living in Ghana with her mother. She told me that her mother was white but her father was from the Philippines and she grew up in the Philippines which was why she was on the site. The first couple of days she conned me into sending her money stating that it was her birthday but didn't have the money to celebrate. I started getting suspicious when she kept asking the same questions over and over and was forgetting details I had already given her. There is probably more than one person involved in this con. She also goofed by responding to someone elses question in my chatbox, which she tried to play off but just made me more suspicious.

Reports (1)  brettc513(Jun 12) 
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