AntiScam Club
Dating & scammersScammers in the dating sites, Russian dating scam,Russian scammers

Dear Visitor, on AntiScam Club site you'll find three type of database:

  • First of all it is a database of dating profiles (Dating profiles) with more then 700 000 ads.
  • Database of profiles which are located on different dating sites (Global profiles)
  • And database of known scammers (Scam profiles)

The main aim of our site is to make dating correspondence without scammers. We have developed several very useful tools for scam detection and we hope that this will help you in searching your partner.

Scammers use different names, photos and addresses. As practice shows most scams are united in groups. So, sometimes it is rather difficult to check if this person is a scammer or not. But if we will act together then we have a better chance to detect a scammer.

So, if you are tired of scammers, then join our club, where you have a greater chance to find a life partner and not a scammer.



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©2006 AntiScam Club

You can find us in SE using the following keywords: Scammers in the dating sites Russian dating scam black list of Russian & Ukrainian women and beautiful girls.